Wellness Wise Words VI

“We need to create tools that promote a calmer, more balanced, more fulfilling way to work and live.”  (Sergio Wanderley)

 “Humanity can never be lost as long as we are socially connected to one another in real life, my message for the world is to unite, embrace the slower way of life and try to connect to things that move us in real emotional ways” (Anya Pechko)


"Digital Wellness is the optimum state of health and well-being that every individual using technology is capable of achieving".  (Nina Herscher)

"From now on it seems business will stand up on the strategic point where technology cross-road with empathy. A shared space where productivity and wellness are partners." (Art & Tech Lab)

"It is wise to face the situation as hard as it is. To face and think together it seems the best to do. The help we can do each other."  (Art & Tech Lab)

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