Thematic WhatsApp Groups

As you know in a previous article “In the turning point of IRL” published here in The Low Tech Treck, I decided to reduce the number of social WhatsApp groups and unplugged my weekends with good results.

But, even though I reached better wellbeing, I was looking for more and I don`t know what I was searching for.

In one of my survived WhatsApp groups, I have some partners who are artists: painters, writers, and musicians.

So each time one of them wants to inform a cultural schedule, the rest is not interested in the proposal. 

One day one of them had the idea of writing poetry for the whole group, thankful because of our strong friendship, and sent it.

There was a great scope of different reactions.

That poetry worked like a psychological test that showed us aspects that we didn’t know of each other, no matter the long time we are friends off and online.

After that crisis, I proposed to a little sub-group:  Hi guys, why don`t we open a new group for those interested in arts?

In the beginning, the idea surprised, but nobody rejected it.

So, before opening the new group I was thinking about consulting and propose some protocols

  1. We have not to talk about politics
  2. Design democratically the name of the group.
  3. Decide democratically if a new incomer wants to enter the group.
  4. Allow to published artworks, even when they are from our production
  5. Motivate to give feedback, and make questions about personal production

We finally decided to call the group “Art for a better world", and with the name, the message in what we believe, that art improves our lives and prevent us from tech addiction. 

Different from a no thematic group, in this one, there is not a lot of daily and impulsive messages knocking to your head the whole day.

And that`s because the posts are artistic pictures, poetries, good music, and inspiration words at the beginning of the day.

The idea is to feel us with an all-day- but not invasive- company.

Naturally, you can't appreciate and art production in the subway or walking in the street.

So this induces you to select some quiet moments of the day, to open the WhatsApp group, friendly, calm, and sure to find posts that surely give you a little rest for your mind and your body during your work time.

But, also, you receive not only a moment to rest, but you also have in your smartphone an art gallery to enjoy and share.

The opportunity of sharing our art production opened a door to deeper conversation, to go with great respect inside our lives, and so our confidence grew up, and our friendship develops stronger.

This situation made us conscious that we need face to face meetings because the messaging was not capable to let us express comfortably and deeply.

So arrived the moment that “Art for a better world” grew up to an offline group of co-producers of art.

The WhatsApp remains like our virtual place to find every day, to desire everybody to have a great day, to support each one on this healthy space.

And about the offline group, we feel that it will have no innovation frontiers, and that makes me free, with a renewed oxygen in my spirit, functional to be more efficient in my work, more sensitive at home, and more gently with everybody in the streets.

Won`t you develop your own experience?

If you want, I will be here expecting your comments.

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