La revolución de la inteligencia artificial nos desafía a construir un mundo mejor, asegurando beneficios equitativos y respeto por los derechos fundamentales.
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La revolución de la inteligencia artificial nos desafía a construir un mundo mejor, asegurando beneficios equitativos y respeto por los derechos fundamentales.
The AI's revolution challenges us for a better world, to assure equitable benefits and respect for fundamental rights
- Are you agree with an #AI machine as your #psychological #therapist? - Are you agree with AI making decisions in #justice or #medicine? If not, please share these questions.
THE POST-PANDEMIC WORKPLACE SCENE ANTICIPATION :What we said in advance on July 2020 ? A 15 minutes podcast episode
In a hypothetical situation of a novel or theater piece composed by an AI algorithm, does it make sense to talk about authorship or intellectual rights?
En los últimos años es posible observar en el campo del arte un fenómeno que se manifiesta cada vez con mayor frecuencia en las producciones artísticas: el uso de inteligencia artificial (IA) para la producción de obras o performance artísticas. Ahora bien, ¿a qué nos referimos con el término inteligencia artificial?
Honored by his new contribution to Digital Wellness, I share with you these lines for introducing the intention and contents of Digitally Well: Structure and Society in the Tech Era
We all get to a point in our lives where illnesses, circumstances, or situations in general, make us forget (or not remember) that we matter- that we count. And in moments like this, without the right support structures- more often than not- people end up taking or attempting to take their lives. Suicide is real, and it is happening around us at alarming rates- without going deep into technicalities, how can we help? Wait… can we help? Is there hope even?
Excerpts by Teodora Pavkovic, Nina Herscher, Patrick McAndrew and Damian Larrimbe Review by Advisor Anna Lomanowska, PhD
When we talk about the green color, what we refer to in Architecture is buildings that are partially or covered with vegetation. Photo of Mandragore Project , NYC